The Penguin-Pals Project is going to help so many penguins get the help they need thanks to Betty’s Bay residents who have volunteered to transport penguins to rescue facilities! Not...
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Betty’s Bay, South Africa (06 March 2024) — The Southern African Foundation For The Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB) is getting a helping hand from the Betty’s Bay community thanks to residents who have volunteered their time to be part of the Penguin-Pals Project!
SANCCOB is responsible for rescuing and rehabilitating many of South Africa’s seabirds. But, there are only so many staff members. Journeys to assist penguins in need often mean many hours on the road, which in turn leaves staff members unable to help other seabirds while trekking these distances.
As Tim Elliot of the Betty’s Bay Conservancy (BBC) shares:
“Up until now SANCCOB have had no option but to send one of their own staff from Betty’s Bay all the way in to Tableview, in Cape Town, in the event of an injured or sick penguin or other seabird. Everyone at the Stony Point Nature Reserve has enough on their plate without sitting in a vehicle for the three hour plus round trip.”
This is where the Betty’s Bay community have decided to help lighten the load of responsibility. As part of BBC’s Penguin-Pals Project, residents have offered to share their time and transport any struggling seabirds to Somerset West—a big chunk of the distance that will undoubtedly help staff members save on time and transport expenses.
Training was underway in late February for the Penguin-Pals’ volunteers.
“There was a lot of enthusiasm and excitement at the prospect of being involved and being able to help constructively,” adds Tim.
This initiative displays not only how a little help can go a long way (quite literally), but also sets the path for future Penguin-Pals Projects outside of Betty’s Bay! Word at the colony is, SANCCOB may also need some volunteers in Gordons Bay too, so don’t be afraid to spread the word!
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]]>David Case and the Pirates Running Club are at it again, this time through the Western Cape! David’s initiative, ‘1000 Kays of Caring’ is exactly what it sounds like: 1000...
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Western Cape, South Africa (01 March 2024) — This week, we’ve been so proud of South African runners across the country who, with different initiatives and distances in mind, have all signed up to put their legs to work for community impact. In some parts of the country, a duo are gearing up to make a community food garden possible by virtue of their leg power. In other parts, 10 kilometres a day is slowly but surely hoping to make a difference in underprivileged students’ education. But, there is yet another ‘making those kilometres count’ initiative in our midst—’1000 Kays of Caring’—and this time the focus is on Grabouw’s most disadvantaged people.
A fundraising adventure led by David Case, ‘1000 Kays of Caring’ is a 21-day trek through the Western Cape. Each day, 48 kilometres is the goal, with David and the Pirates Road Running Club sweating their hearts out to make the ‘Kays of Caring’ a success.
This is not David’s first rodeo for the long haul or kindness. In 2019, David and the Pirates tackled ‘500 Kays for Kids’—500 kilometres for Childline! It was an incredible effort that saw other runners join the charge, and one that David decided it was not only something worth replicating, but doubling.
Focusing on Siphila Sonke, a Grabouw charity that focuses on the chronically ill and unemployed living in the most heart-wrenching circumstances, ‘1000 Kays of Care’ is dedicated to their upliftment.
All runners have organised their own transportation and costs, with any funds raised heading solely to Siphila Sonke. This charity relies completely on donations, and the runners’ hopes are high that their adventure will make a difference and raise awareness.
If you can’t lend your legs to the cause, follow and support the initiative on Instagram! While their donation platform isn’t live yet, you can still message the initiative platform directly to find out about adding your care to the kilometres.
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]]>Two incredible women are lacing up their takkies once again for a marathon mission, this time to help fund a community garden that will help people in need on their...
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Western Cape, South Africa (26 February 2024) — Two incredible women who are no strangers to giving their marathon missions even more meaning are lacing up their takkies once again—this time to fund a community garden!
Ruth Boshoff and Debbi De Waal have May marked on their calendars where they will tackle 42kms over 2 days. There, the journey will wind them through the Sonderend Mountains, which Greyton and Genadendal residents will know well. Aptly, their fundraising mission is called ‘Greyton to Gardens’!
Beyond the breathtaking scenery and the adrenaline of endurance, Ruth and Debbi’s May marathon serves a very important purpose, just like their Senecio run saw last year. Then, the powerhouse duo raised almost R20,000 for people with disabilities.
For their upcoming run the ladies will set their sights on R20,000 once again; this time for a food garden for community development organisation Taste+See—a mentorship that began as a feeding scheme but now prides itself as a ‘hand up’ organisation focused on equipping people in need with the skills for financial independence holistically.
Taste+See—who are based in Helderberg, Somerset West—hope to secure a small piece of land for their own food garden, which will provide not only nourishment and a sense of food security but also a purpose and a sense of responsibility for the community.
You can support Ruth and Debbi’s big run ‘Greyton for Gardens’ (and ultimately a patch of hope for members of the Helderberg community) by emailing here or donating to Taste + See using the details below.
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]]>Artist Patrick Bongoy’s latest exhibition hopes to spark action in the fight to restore our planet. Made from discarded materials, his art is here to give us a different perspective...
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Stellenbosch, South Africa (15 February 2024) – Our planet is facing great stress. We see it in the chaotic weather events, resource depletion and degradation of natural wonders. The situation is serious, but it does not come without hope—as long a collective will to better what we have ruined is alive. This is the prevailing narrative behind artist Patrick Bongoy’s work and his latest exhibition, Ebbing, set to come to Stellenbosch.
For Patrick, the challenges facing humanity are not unlike waves repeatedly crashing onto the shore. This idea of movement is linked to action; action Patrick hopes his art will spark.
“In my understanding as an artist, in my understanding of the world, Earth is a blank canvas that has been given to human beings to imagine and to create – and to make it better for us to live on,” the artist says.
“We’ve been given the power to shape this world and protect it…but we’ve created a monster. It’s dangerous and we don’t know what to do with it.”
In his latest exhibition, Patrick’s message of hope capitalises on the idea of action through recreation. By turning traditionally discarded materials into unique creations, the artist gives us a visual expression of a new way at looking at our relationship with waste.
“I use the material, translated into whatever I create, as a language of hope and movement,” he says. By making art from waste, balance and harmony in this world find their place—something the artist hopes those who see his exhibition will be encouraged to reflect on.
“I want people to see the beauty and new life that translates out of this dead material,” he explains.
Technically impressive and visually engaging, Bongoy’s art invites the viewer to contemplate forgotten dreams and stolen futures – as with the wall-to-wall canvas of silhouetted children – but not without a pinch of hope.
Inspired by the people and organisations who upcycle materials like plastic into concrete and furniture, Patrick believes the capacity for momentum is within us when we choose to work together.
In his words “There are possibilities and solutions. It’s just a matter of effort, energy and consciousness – and the collective will to change.”
Ebbing will be free to the public until 12 May at Spier Wine Farm’s Old Wine Cellar. Open daily from 9am-5pm.
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]]>Help A Paw is now able to race to the rescue of more pets in need thanks to the launch of its new Animal Ambulance service! Somerset West, South...
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Somerset West, South Africa (15 February 2024) — Help A Paw recently shared word of an incredible update in the world of animal rescues—the launch of its new Animal Ambulance Service!
According to the animal rescue service, in many communities, animals often can’t get the help they desperately need because their owners say they do not have transport to get to the necessary facilities. On the other side of the coin, many rescuers have full time jobs and cannot be on call for pick-ups as much as they wish they could.
“We get on average 10 to 20 requests [regarding] sick pets a day,”says Help A Paw, who mention the sad reality that some animals will lie in ailing conditions for days because of their owners’ lack of transport.
“We are now eliminating that excuse.”
The new Animal Ambulance was launched on 5 February and will run for a pilot month; comprised of a welfare and private component. The latter will act almost as a pet Uber service—focusing on factors like grooming and physio drop-offs—which the team hopes will help subsidise the welfare side.
The animals will also be in great hands, considering ambulance drivers are trained in animal welfare practices, handling, and first aid.
“Any person in the area that we service has no excuse not to get the veterinary help their animals need now and anyone found leaving their pets to suffer will be called up on the APA (Animal Protection Act).”
Should the Animal Ambulance go well in its debut month, the team hope it will become open to even more animal rescue workers!
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]]>Southern Elephant Seal Buffel has returned to the Cape yet again for his annual haul! A rare sighting in our part of the world and from a rare species, here’s...
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Hermanus, South Africa (07 February 2024) — Whenever Buffel (a Southern Elephant seal who has become something of a ‘sealebrity’) comes to town, marine life lovers get very excited.
Why? Well, Buffel is not your average visitor. For one, Southern Elephant seals are a rare sighting in our part of the world and are usually found in the Southern Ocean thousands of kilometres away. As a whole, Buffel’s species are rare and qualify for listing by IUCN’s list of threatened specials. Beyond being a member of a unique family of species that are found very far away, Buffel also has a special relationship with South Africa that keeps bringing him back to local beaches time and time again.
In 2016, the young Elephant Seal was discovered resting on Duiker Island alongside Cape Fur seals, which was an incredible (and first-time) sight for people like Steve Benjamin who had been running seal snorkelling trips in the area for years. This visit was for Buffel’s annual haul— the species’ version of moulting.
“Most haul-out sites are on Sub Antarctic and Antarctic islands which makes sightings of Buffel even more exciting,” share the Cape of Good Hope SPCA.
In 2021, the Elephant Seal was discovered on Llandudno beach in Cape Town, where he was caught chilling unashamedly (like any other local) on the soft sand. At the time, some people thought Buffel might be in trouble. But in reality, he had just made the trek for his annual beach haul again.
Thanks to Buffel being tagged by scientists, we know that the avid explorer has been to many Cape beaches for his hauls, including Buffelsbay Beach, Fishoek Beach and one of his favourites—Duiker Island.
What keeps bringing Buffel back? Buffel was actually born on Cape Point shores to a mom who is believed to have been lost. Buffel’s visits every February might just be the sealebrity’s way of connecting with home, and this year Hermanus has made his itinerary!
These hauls take a month and are quite an ordeal as the animals cannot hunt during this time, leading them to look sickly. But if anyone in Hermanus should encounter Buffel, the Cape of Good Hope SPCA notes the following:
“Please keep your distance, keep dogs on leashes in the area and do your best not to disturb him. If you are concerned for his welfare, contact the relevant local authorities.” Additionally, chasing him back into the water or pouring water over him is not necessary.
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]]>A simple idea to connect students facing challenges with those who can help has become one of the most inspiring examples of real-life magic. Behind it all, is the UWC...
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Western Cape, South Africa (30 January 2024) — Wondering what life would be like if a genie or fairy godmother was on your side is probably a thought anyone who loves a good fairytale has wondered at one point or another. But in the Western Cape, magic like this does exist. And it has its own Facebook page: UWC Fairy Godmother.
Taking the task of fairy godmother very literally, the UWC Fairy Godmother is committed to solving small problems that students at the University of the Western Cape are dealing with, which results in big, dignity-restoring impact. How? By being the middle-magic between those who need help, and those who can help.
Take last week, for example, when a student needed help with groceries. Through the UWC Fairy Godmother and her call to the community made sure this problem would not persist. Then there was a student who needed taxi money to get to her holiday job. Another who needed help with rent. And another who needed a bus ticket to get to their big break. The circumstances vary, but the impact of kindness is consistent.
There’s a reason people like Briony Chisholm have dedicated entire campaigns to keep the impact flowing.
Many stories have been told on the Facebook page. But, we thought it was time to share that of the human behind it all!
Speaking to Good Things Guy, here’s what the UWC Fairy Godmother (who we’ll refer to as J’ shared:
“I started the page when I came across an application to write a special exam. The student had missed the exam because he simply didn’t have the R60 he needed to travel to campus on the day of the exam. I thought to myself, ‘I wish I had known before — I would have given him the 60 bucks in a heartbeat’, and I was convinced many other people would have done the same too.
“Turns out I was right
This student was lucky to find a monthly funder who covered his entire taxi fare costs for the remainder of his degree. Today he holds an LLB and is completing his articles.”
Since then, the granting of wishes has blown J away.
“There have been very many astounding moments to celebrate since starting the page. But the one that is forefront in my mind is the young woman who so enjoyed the experience of wheeling a trolley around Checkers after receiving grocery funding. She had never ever in her life prior had enough grocery money to warrant a trolley — only ever a basket for a handful of items — and it was an experience she relished, while it’s something so many of us take for granted or even treat as a chore.”
“We currently have an overseas visitor in the household, and I’ve been hearing a lot of negativity about SA. I want to set the record straight. I work with our next generation. I know them, I see them, I teach them, I listen to them. And because of this I have a deep wellspring of unshakeable hope for SA.
“Our kids are bright, competent, polite, kind, decent people. But they face many challenges, which are often invisible to us. We need to make sure that we invest in the good people of SA so that we can stop the shit from floating to the top in government. And I can assure you that there is no shortage of good young people in our country. There are plenty, and they just need a hand to get going.”
You can keep up with the page here.
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]]>Kate Allwood from Somerset West gave São Paulo her absolute all as the only South African swimmer selected to carry our flag at the World Deaf Youth Games! Somerset...
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Somerset West, South Africa (25 January 2024) — Kate Allwood has done the folks in Somerset West proud after she represented South Africa at the first-ever World Deaf Youth Games held in São Paulo!
This wasn’t just a mountain of a moment for Kate as a young sportswoman. It was also one she summited alone as the only South African swimmer chosen to carry our flag at the Games.
Kate swam resiliently against other teenage swimmers from the ages of 14-18 as the Games played out last week. With the support of her coach, Terence Parkin, her hometown and her family, she took on competitors from pools all around the world.
Poland, Japan, Italy, Germany, Ireland and Taiwan, amongst others, went up against Kate in different heats. According to her High School, Somerset College, Kate achievement personal bests in all of her events and made it to 5 finals of the Games.
Her school adds that she placed 6th in the 200m Individual Medley, and 7th in both the 200m freestyle and 100m backstroke finals. The Deaf Youth Games ran from 14-22 January.
Talk about making a splash for the new school year!
Meanwhile in other news where South Africa is being represented by iconic sportswoman, teen skier Lara Markthaler is navigating snowy dreams for SA at the Winter Olympics!
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]]>Red tide lights up False Bay coast Muizenberg, South Africa (17 January 2024) — If you’ve been to the False Bay coastline over the past two nights, you might...
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Muizenberg, South Africa (17 January 2024) — If you’ve been to the False Bay coastline over the past two nights, you might have noticed a strange bright blue glow on the crests of the waves near the shoreline. Don’t worry, the sea hasn’t become radioactive, it is a natural phenomenon called bioluminescence (sea sparkle).
“It is all completely natural,” says Dr. Emma Rocke, a microbiologist and research fellow with The Marine and Antarctic Research Centre for Innovation and Sustainability (MARiS) at the University of Cape Town. Rocke says this phenomenon happens when the ocean is calm and warm. It is expected to happen at least once a year and lasts between three to five days.
Rocke explains that the calm and warm conditions cause these algae to multiply, and they then glow when they are agitated and rub up against one another. Rocke says the bloom is a good thing as it is “producing oxygen and consuming carbon dioxide“. The presence of so much algae attracts prey so you’ll also see more fish in the ocean.
“They need light and nutrients to grow which will eventually be used up,” says Rocke.
She says she is almost certain that the algae is Noctiluca scintillans, and although certain species are toxic, this isn’t one of them. But she will need to confirm this under a microscope.
Rocke says the bioluminescence is connected to the red tide. And if you can see the red tide in the day, and the conditions stay the same, you’ll most likely see the glow of the bioluminescence in the evening.
The phenomenon happens all around the world and can also happen in freshwater.
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]]>After the loss of her mom, Briony decided to do something very unique. Despite having not taken her own steps since the 90s after a car accident, Briony is ‘running’...
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Western Cape, South Africa (15 January 2024) — After the loss of her mom, Briony Chisholm decided she needed something good to channel her grief into. Thanks to a lot of heart and a clever smartphone, Briony decided to sign up for a race she also happened to invent—the great ‘Arm-Run’. With pace, patience and support, she hopes that her unique race will not only honour her late mother, but help those who are already helping others.
Of how the race came to be, Briony shares:
“I discovered a while ago—to my great amusement—that (even) I had been doing some steps each day…”
“Why the amusement…? Well, because I’m quadriplegic and have been in a wheelchair since I had a car accident when I was 21. In other words, the last time I took any steps using my actual legs was on the 1st of December, 1996,” she elaborates.
But, after some fun with getting those steps in by moving her arms (something even the most avid steppers have done before to get those last steps in), Briony realised that she could pump up her ‘steps’ with a little pace, and turn it into a race all its own.
Briony has committed to 80 km in total (which is just a few kilometres shy of the Comrades), making this an unofficial marathon. This is her gift to her mom in anticipation of her heavenly birthday, “to celebrate her life and loveliness, to push my grief to something useful,” the Arm-Runner adds.
Deciding to make this pace go the mile, she is committing the donations to the University of the Western Cape’s ‘Fairy Godmother’ who regularly helps rally funds for students facing financial hinderances across the map.
“My mom believed that the only way to make things better is through education, and so do I, so I’m going to use my arms to do the walking and I hope you’ll help me help the UWC Fairy Godmother do her amazing things by letting your wallets do the talking.”—Briony Chrisholm.
So far, since the campaign began on 4 January, Briony has rallied R13,310 of R18,000. This after the original goal of R8,000 was surpassed in no time! And if that’s not a rich embodiment of ‘you can make a difference no matter what’, we don’t know what is! You can check out her clever campaign here.
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